Monday, May 16, 2011

Mikey the wolfboy

This little guy is from a project that I've been wanting to do for years, a pitch for a little kids' show called "Witchamazoo". The premise is kind of "Strawberry Shortcake" meets "Groovie Ghoulies". I don't want to give too much away about the show just yet, but Mikey the little werewolf boy is my favorite character. And possibly my favorite of all my character designs so far.
I've recently joined Patch Together, where I hope to get started on having some of my designs made into toys. My first submission is The Breakfast Monkey. I really want him made into a plush toy. If you do too (and honestly, how could you not) PLEASE join Patch Together and vote for him and leave a comment about how much you want a Breakfast Monkey plushie. The more positive feedback I get, the better my chances are of getting BMonkey toys made. I'm submitting Mikey next. He'll be up in a few days from now. I really want to make soft vinyl Mikey toys, so make sure you vote on him too! (UPDATE: Mikey is now up and available for voting: HERE)
Here are my blue-line and color roughs. In the color version, I've added Mikey's best friend, a tiny blue flea that Mikey has simply named "Bug".

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